
OMEGA 3 & 6 - Treatment for Schizophrenia


Omega 3, Omega 6 & Schizophrenia

SBX Omega Schizophrenia Treatment

SBX is in the process of developing SBX - Omega a product containing Omega-3 (1500mg) and Omega-6 (1500mg). This high quality formula will be sold on this site soon and should be taken in conjunction with SBX. SBX is a Supplement Designed for Schizophrenia, it should be taken with Omega 3

Why YOU Need SBX & Omega-3

Because sufferers of schizophrenia have lower levels of omega-3.

Studies have shown that people with schizophrenia have low levels of essential fatty acids (McNamara 2010). This may be why some doctors [for example] have argued that that the cause of schizophrenia may not be an excess of the neurotransmitter dopamine but may instead be caused by a breakdown in the synapses sheathed in fatty acids in the brain. Whatever the cause, the deficiency of omega-3 in sufferers of schizophrenia is clear.

Because studies have shown that it can prevent the psychotic disorder, even in those at very high risk.

The McNamara study: Leading doctor, Dr McNamara from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry conducted a study in 2010. It demonstrated that increasing the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids through dietary EPA and DHA supplementation can prevent or delay the onset of psychosis in some ultra-high risk subjects.

The Amminger study: A group of doctors (Amminger et al.) in the Psychosis Detection Unit in Austria conducted a clinical study in 2010. They conducted it with 81 (13-25 year olds) who were at ultra-high risk of psychotic disorder. The primary purpose of the study was to determine if omega-3 could prevent the psychotic disorder. The doctors split participants into 2 groups; one group took 1200mg of omega-3 and the other group took a placebo. Only 4.9% of the omega-3 group developed the psychotic disorder while 27.5% of those who did not take omega-3 developed the disorder.

Because studies have shown that it can prevent the psychotic disorder, even in those at very high risk.

The Amminger study went on to treat those who developed the disorder and also found that the omega-3 group experienced significantly reduced positive symptoms (i.e., delusions, disordered thoughts, speech and hallucinations) and negative symptoms (i.e., apathy, social withdrawal and lack of motivation).

Because there is evidence that omega-3 can prevent the first episode psychosis and reduce drug requirements.

The Peet study: In the Israel Journal of Psychiatry 2008, a noted doctor (Peet) suggested there is evidence from double blind trials (i.e., where one group takes omega-3 and the other take placebo), that omega-3 might “prevent conversion from prodromal state into first episode psychosis, and reduce the antipsychotic drug requirement in first episode patients.”

The Akter study: In a 2011 clinical analysis of literature examining the relationship between essential fatty acids and schizophrenia and the clinical trials testing fatty acids in patients, doctor Akter and others suggest that clinicians should add omega-3 to current drug regime. This is to ameliorate symptoms and gain symptomatic control given the low risk of harm of taking a supplement.

Medical Director of the National Alliance of Mental Illness in the U.S. (NAMI) Dr Ken Duckworth suggests that individuals in their teens and twenties with early symptoms of psychosis should take Omega-3 fatty acids as there appear to be few risks compared to the potential benefit.

What Is Omega-3?

Omega-3 essential fatty acids include EPA and DHA. Omega-3 can be found in the modern diet in cold water fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, black cod, sardines, blue fish and anchovies) and some plants but it is not generally consumed in quantities high enough to produce the positive effects of consuming the amounts tested in studies.

Why I Need Omega-6:

Because sufferers of schizophrenia have lower levels of omega-6.

The Vaddadi study: In a clinical study of 72 patients with schizophrenia, a leading psychiatrist Vaddadi and others examined the levels of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fats in red blood cells. Vaddadi found lower levels of omega-6 (linoleic acid) and higher levels of dihomamma-linolic acid.

The Glen study: A leading psychiatrist (Glen) from the mental health department of Aberdeen University found that 80% of sufferers of schizophrenia are essential fat deficient. He gave 50 patients essential fat supplements and reported a substantial response.

The Fenton study: In a 10-month clinical study by doctors Fenton and others, they examined the effects of EFA supplementation on sufferers of schizophrenia. This included taking supplements of omega-6 (as well as zinc, vitamin B6, vitamin B3 and vitamin C). They concluded that taking these supplements produced dramatic improvements in schizophrenic symptoms.

The World Health Organisation (WHO): In a survey conducted by WHO they examined the incidence and outcome of schizophrenia in eight countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. They found that while the incidence was surprisingly similar in all countries, the outcomes were very different. Those countries with a high intake of essential fats from fish and vegetables had much less severe outcomes.

What is Omega-6?

Omega-6 fatty acids are linoleic and arachidonic acids. Omega-6 is found in most modern diets, including vegetable oils such as sunflower and safflower, as well as flaxseed, cottonseed and soybean oils. They are also found in poultry, avocados, nuts, eggs, as well as most margarines, snacks, crackers, cookies, baked goods and fast foods.

We are no longer supplying the tailored multivitamin for schizophrenia, SBX Supplements until we have a sufficient number of orders. Sign up to become a member. Have your say and follow our blog. Contact us if you have any further questions.

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SBX Vitamins Supplement multivitamin

SBX Supplements for Schizophrenia

SBX is a supplement for those suffering from schizophrenia. The formulation contains the different vitamins and natural ingredients that studies suggest may reduce the symptoms of schizophrenia and help with recovery from schizophrenia.

$29 per bottle (Total of 60 capsules) 


For more information on the ingredients of SBX, please click on the links below for the studies.

Client’s testimonials

I started taking SBX with my prescribed antipsychotics and felt more alert and my mood became more positive.  I had been out of work for some time and beginning to worry about money as I have limited health insurance, but now, I have just started a new, part-time job, in the food sector, and have even, much to my friends' surprise, started dating again! Thank you SBX!  I won't go a day without this supplement.

Mike C

My doc mentioned taking more supplements like ginkgo biloba, B vitamins etc with my meds. Buying a bunch of different vitamins is expensive so I tried SBX. Before I started SBX, my doc told me I was paranoid (which I still am btw) but the voices were really taking over me. The voices are still there, but I've noticed they've started to quieten a little...  

Frankie P

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